Schapelle Corby, guarded by two prison officers, spent more than three hours in the Gardenia Salon, adjacent to the wing of Sanglah Hospital where she was admitted late last month.Australian drug trafficker Schapelle Corby has been allowed out of a Bali hospital,where she is being treated for depression, to shop, have her hair done and get a pedicure.“She was here from 11am until 2.10pm, guarded by two fully-armed officers,” salon worker Ida Ayu Purnama said.“She was here for a temporary hair straightener for one hour, and a pedicure for one hour.“After she was finished she saw lots of journalists outside, so she was waiting for a few moments inside.”
Wearing jeans, a blue cap and matching tank top, the 30-year-old tried to hide her face when she eventually left the salon.An employee of a nearby market said Corby also did some shopping there on Tuesday afternoon, again with an escort of two police officers.“She spent quite a long time here, almost two hours. She bought some snacks and clothes. She had a look out the door before she left,” he told AFP.
The former beauty therapist is reported to have slumped into depression after Indonesia’s Supreme Court rejected her final appeal in March.Corby is serving a 20-year jail term for trafficking 4.1kg of marijuana into Bali in 2004.Sanglah Hospital doctor Nyoman Rapep said Corby’s condition was improving and she remained under police supervision.“She is always guarded, and it (the salon) is inside the hospital compound,” Rapep said.“She is still undergoing treatment for a few more days … but her condition is getting better.”
Corby was on medication and was being treated by seven psychiatrists, Rapep said.
Corby, who turns 31 next week, has always maintained her innocence and claimed that airport baggage handlers involved in drug smuggling must have put the marijuana in her luggage as she headed to Bali.
But a recent documentary quoted her former defence lawyer as saying he concocted the baggage handler defence.The drugs were found in Corby’s unlocked surfboard bag when she arrived on the Indonesian island for a holiday in October 2004.The head of security at Bali’s Kerobokan Prison Maliki said Corby’s treatment was under the authority of doctors.“That is the authority of the team of doctors. Maybe it is part of the healing process,” he said.“I’m not a doctor, I can’t explain.“When she is cured she will go back to prison, there is no negotiation about that.”
Wearing jeans, a blue cap and matching tank top, the 30-year-old tried to hide her face when she eventually left the salon.An employee of a nearby market said Corby also did some shopping there on Tuesday afternoon, again with an escort of two police officers.“She spent quite a long time here, almost two hours. She bought some snacks and clothes. She had a look out the door before she left,” he told AFP.
The former beauty therapist is reported to have slumped into depression after Indonesia’s Supreme Court rejected her final appeal in March.Corby is serving a 20-year jail term for trafficking 4.1kg of marijuana into Bali in 2004.Sanglah Hospital doctor Nyoman Rapep said Corby’s condition was improving and she remained under police supervision.“She is always guarded, and it (the salon) is inside the hospital compound,” Rapep said.“She is still undergoing treatment for a few more days … but her condition is getting better.”
Corby was on medication and was being treated by seven psychiatrists, Rapep said.
Corby, who turns 31 next week, has always maintained her innocence and claimed that airport baggage handlers involved in drug smuggling must have put the marijuana in her luggage as she headed to Bali.
But a recent documentary quoted her former defence lawyer as saying he concocted the baggage handler defence.The drugs were found in Corby’s unlocked surfboard bag when she arrived on the Indonesian island for a holiday in October 2004.The head of security at Bali’s Kerobokan Prison Maliki said Corby’s treatment was under the authority of doctors.“That is the authority of the team of doctors. Maybe it is part of the healing process,” he said.“I’m not a doctor, I can’t explain.“When she is cured she will go back to prison, there is no negotiation about that.”
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